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Mistress Rohesia Le Sarjent

Mistress Rohesia Le Sarjent's picture

Personal Information

Rohesia is the daughter of a crusader, taken to Palestine as a child in the mid 12th century. She lives in a large house in Jerusalem and keeps a hunting leopard. Belinda is a generalist who like to dabble in all areas of the SCA. She's an ex-fighter, and senior marshal. She sews, embroiders, paints, has built a pavillion, made armour, cooked feasts, stewarded events, written articles and a C.A. on brewing and done a little bit of almost everything.

Major fields: 
Calligraphy and Illumination, Costuming research, Brewing.
23/3/96 John, King and Ceinwen, Queen of Caid
Past apprentices: 
Lorenzo d'Este (formerly Thorkell Kettleson)
Current interests: 
12th century costuming and research, period pigments, period piracy, brewing and all sorts of other stuff.
Current group: 
Southron Gaard
Purpure, three scarps enhanced Or, in base a gryphon segreant sustaining a fleur-de-lis Argent
Current level of activity: 
Resigned from the Order, but still