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Mistress Portia Vincenzo

Mistress Portia Vincenzo's picture

Personal Information

First joining the SCA through The College of St Aldhelm in Politarchopolis, Portia has since been an active member in a number of Baronies in Lochac including Ynys Fawr, Rowany and now Stormhold. For the last two years she was resident in the central part of the West Kingdom (Province of the Mists), where she expanded her knowledge (and love) of Norse costume, and started an Early Period / Viking fashion trend with Mistress Dagmaer nHvassa. She has the distinction of being the only Lochacian Queen of the West (reigning with Duke Uther) and was granted her County in AS (XXXVII). Her current project is working with a number of people on expanding the Dark Age Renaissance in Lochac.

Major fields: 
Costume; Specialising in Migration Era to Norse, Minor in Renaissance Flemish, Italian and Elizabethan
Portia was laurelled at the West Kingdom Twelfth Night by Connor & Isa in their first reign (AS XXXV)
Current apprentices: 
Lady Judith Jehanna DiTorre
Current interests: 
Late Roman and Dark Ages (Particularly Merovingian, Danish and Finnish) Clothing and ornamentation.
Current group: 
Current level of activity: 