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Mistress Margie of Glen More

Mistress Margie of Glen More's picture

Personal Information

I joined the SCA for a little light relief from my busy life. I was a single mum in my early 30's with four small children, and teaching Drama/Theatre Studies part time. My aim was just to be a 'fly on the wall' - didn't work though. I entered an A&S comp in Stormhold that was a disaster - told knitting wasn't period! and was pretty disheartened till I entered a poetry comp at Principality level in Riverhaven. From then on I was a competition junkie - thanks for the encouragement folks! Knitting was the next comp and it all took off from there - you could say I became obsessive ;-) I was asked to join the Order just after Festival in ASXXXIV. I have been a keen combat archer, thanks to House Saarlands who took me under their wing early in my SCA career. I have been enjoying my role in the Marshallate for many years and hope to do so for a long time still to come! I have a keen interest in the entertainment arts and am now pleased that Lochac has its first Theatre Laurel, Master Steffan! I have been a member of the SCA for 20 years and it still brings challenges and enjoyment. I am currently on the fringes of House Des Cartes as my own household is inactive. I enjoyed my reign as Queen with Siridean McLachlan, and learnt so much more about Lochac and the SCA in the process.

Major fields: 
Textiles - spinning, knitting, and weaving
Mistress Margie was elevated at Stormhold Winterfeast, ASXXXIV, by Their Hignesses Kurgan and Huriwa.
Current apprentices: 
Baron Bran Torc MacBrude, who is interested in Celtic decoration, from Pictish to German; 'Thanatos' Gabriel Kalathetos, who is having a break from the SCA but was interested in period tournament format; Sorle McNicol and Baroness Beatrice Marie Malatesta
Past apprentices: 
Mistress Rohese de Fairhurst
Current interests: 
Medieval Theatre, particularly Commedia dell'Arte and Mystery plays, as well as Elizabethan theatre. Have directed the Rowany Festival play twice and written it once. York Crucifixion and Samson and Delilah. All things martial! The divers uses of urine pre 1600 ;-) Have been doing more natural dyeing on wool - mixed success. Have made a period tent, getelt style. Made it as a sunshade but Sir Jon and I have been using it as our home away from home at events too. Learnt to make turnshoes thanks to Alfgheir in Stowe. Made 3 pairs and want to make more.
Current group: 
On a field vert, three annulets interlinked argent, one on two
Current level of activity: 