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Meesteres Willemyne van Nymegen

Meesteres Willemyne van Nymegen's picture

Personal Information

I've been costuming most of my life, most of my SCA focus has been of the North Rhine.

While my focus is on a small region and about 150 years it is all encompassing and embraces an understanding of laws, life, and how clothing fits in that.

I have also experimented with patterning across the Northern Renaissance and have developed a set of patterns that can be used both to help recognise garment structure in portraits and be used to make those garments. I keep revising this for ease of use but hope to have it presented in full later this year.

Major fields: 
Costuming research
Elevated at Midwinter Coronation, 6 July 2007 by Alfar II and Gudrun II
Current interests: 
Renaissance North Rhine culture and clothing. Patterning and construction of 15th and 16thC garments across Northern Europe, patterning and construction of 16thC Spanish.
Current group: 
Sable estencely Or, an ermine rampant guardant argent
Current level of activity: 