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Mistress Yseult de Lacy

Mistress Yseult de Lacy's picture

Personal Information

The only child of a minor north-country nobleman, she was married at seventeen, a mother at eighteen, and a widow at twenty. She can barely remember the young husband who was killed in one of King Henry's wars late in 1401, since on his infrequent visits home it was mostly dark by the time he remembered to visit her...

When her little boy died of a summer fever four years later, she retired to a convent, although she never took vows (it got her away from her mother-in-law, apart from anything else). There she learned to scribe and paint, discovering an unexpected talent.

She returned home to keep house for her father on her mother's death, where she has remained since. She inherited the manor from her father, and lives there with her cousin, who is her steward, and his family. She has never remarried, finding life as a widow MUCH more fun. Her hobbies are scribal work, music, poetry, spinning, dyeing, and pilgrimages.

Major fields: 
Calligraphy and illumination, with secondary interests in poety and pavilions
Mistress Yseult was made a Laurel by King Garric at the Rowany Festival in AS XXXII (1999).
Past apprentices: 
Mistress Nerissa de Saye, whom she was proud to welcome as her peer at Festival in AS XXXIV (2001)
Current interests: 
Mistress Yseult is still active in calligraphy and illumination, still writing occasional poems, but no longer building pavilions (it's heavy work). She is also interested in music, both performance and composition, and in general period lifestyle. She was one of the founding members of the Period Encampment, and now runs The Golden Gryphon, selling fine period food at Festival. Her most recent interest is spinning, both on a the drop spindle and the wheel, and dying wool and silk with natural period dyes.
Current group: 
Dismal Fogs
Azure, a gryphon segreant and in chief three estoiles within a bordure invected Or
Current level of activity: 
Resigned from the Order, but still