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How Do You Recommend Someone For A Laurel?

Send e-mail to the laurel secretary with a recommendation.

Master Richard de la Croix wrote the following as part of an article for Pegasus some time ago:

By far the greatest confusion about the Order of the Laurel amongst the populace at large seems to centre on writing recommendations.

Anyone can recommend anyone for admission to the Order of the Laurel. You don't have to be a Peer, Baron(ess), Viscount or anything else that wears a pointy hat. If you see someone who you think should be a member of the Order, we want to know.

Despite some of our own illusions on the matter, members of the Order of the Laurel are not infallible. While we try to know who's doing what in the Arts and Sciences, we can and do miss people--particularly those of the populace who are less extroverted. This is why your input and perspective is crucial.

Anyone can be admitted to the Order of the Laurel--no matter what awards he/she may have at the time. While it is unlikely that he/she will not have already earned a Kingdom/Principality level A&S award (eg, Lily) or even an Award of Arms, this may not always be the case.

If you think a candidate is being discussed, you may also write as to why someone may not deserve the award. I won't touch more on this but it does happen and you should be aware that it is an option should you disagree with a possible elevation.

Remember the adage "If it's not worth signing, it's not worth reading." Anonymous letters are not given as much credence as those that are signed. Neither for that matter are petitions with numerous signatures. If someone is worth a letter of recommendation, he/she deserves a little effort and a letter all of his/her very own.

You may write a recommendation letter to anyone that you trust to pass it on to members of the Order. Ideally it should go to the Principal of the Order, but you may instead wish to send it to the reigning Royalty at the time or even your local Baron(ess) if this makes you feel more comfortable. For best results, its preferable that it is at least copied to the Laurel Principal or another member of the Order if you feel more at ease with him/her.

The most important thing, however, is: Put It In Writing

Verbal recommendations are almost always forgotten in the rush to cover the majority of candidates on the list
at meetings. Letters received for someone already on one of our Lists (see What Happens in Meetings?) will also serve to have them discussed, since we also always try to read every letter received as a matter of priority.

No doubt, after reading all that I've written you now have a burning desire to sit down this instant and write a
letter of recommendation. That being the case, below is a brief template you might like to follow. Feel free to embellish or simplify it as you will.

To Their Royal Majesties [Name_1] and [Name_2], and the Members of the Order of the Laurel does [Your_Name] send greetings.

Your Majesties, I would like to recommend your subject [A&S_God] for admission to the Order of the Laurel.

[Reasons for why you think he/she should be a Laurel...

Below follows a brief checklist of some of the things we look for in a candidate. As well as detailing how he/she meets the general aims mentioned in What Do Laurels Do, you should perhaps also bear some of the following questions in mind:

  • Does he/she support the ideas and ideals of the Society?
  • Does he/she show a good understanding of all aspects of the Society?
  • Does he/she behave well towards people of all ranks?
  • Does he/she contribute to the Kingdom and his/her local group?
  • Does he/she excel at a single craft or art, or show great skill in a variety?
  • Has he/she developed a new skill, or substantially added to what others had done before?
  • Does he/she pass on these skills to others?
  • Is he/she well regarded by his/her local group?
  • Is he/she seen as a peer (in all but name) by the populace?

Should you chose to just write down a name and nothing more, he/she will still get discussed -- but probably only as much as your letter has allowed...]

Your subject,


Let me reiterate, if there is someone you think deserves an award (be it a Laurel or otherwise), try and take time
out to write a recommendation letter for him/her--it could make all the difference. The effects of just one letter on behalf of a candidate can often tip the balance in his/her favour during a discussion. Remember also that for the best and most direct approach, letters should be sent to the Laurel Principal.