Mistress Madelaine was one of the first two laurels in Lochac; she and Mistress Rowan share this honour. She writes: 'I was presented with a Laurel medallion by King William the Lucky on April 19th, 1984. It was late in the evening, at home in the livingroom (in Numeralla, NSW), with King William, Queen Joanne, Mistress Hilary of Serendip and Lord Hrolf. This is because William rightly guessed I was too close to childbirth to travel to Rowany for the Harvest Feast the following weekend. No ceremony or Promises were done because I had no idea it was going to happen (there were no resident Laurels in Lochac at the time) and I wanted my close friends to see it announced at the feast. Three years later (April '87) King William and Queen Joanne returned to Lochac for another Royal visit, this time to the Rowany Festival, where I took part in a full ceremony with the Fealty Oath & Promises etc as a 'reaffirmation'.'